• Ramblings,  Travel

    Travel Blues

    It has been more than a year since this COVID19 pandemic started. The last time I flew was to Tokyo towards the end of 2019 and first day of 2020. Since then, I am stuck in Singapore. While the country is one of the best country to be stuck in during this pandemic, it is small, and there is really nothing much to see or do.

    The Government did try to encourage ‘domestic’ travels by giving the SingaporeRediscover Vouchers to us, but for a small country like Singapore, and have lived here my entire life, I have seen them all.

    I did try to see if having a staycation in Singapore might lessen the travel blues by staying a few nights at Ritz Carlton. It helped, for a while. I guess it probably also did not help by watching travel related programs on TV, like the wonderful BBC series Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby, which introduces amazing hotels with some of the best views and comfort, the Fuji TV series Hangin Around with No Plan, which provided me with a list of places to go in Tokyo.

    Hopefully with the vaccine now being rolled out gradually, there is a chance that I will be able to travel again soon. In the meantime, I am creating all these wonderful lists of places to visit.

  • Ramblings,  Travel

    Vacation Memories

    One of the reasons I maintained this site is to document all the vacations that I took. However, the initial posts about the vacations were too time consuming and tedious, and after a while, I lost interest.

    Lately I realised I could not remember some of the details of these vacations even with photos. Perhaps I should document them again somehow, though done differently. Perhaps a video, or some other way that is easier, and less time consuming.

    A video seems to be interesting.

  • Ramblings

    Inch By Inch

    Aim for minor improvements. Instead of trying to improve by a foot, aim to improve by an inch. It is easier to achieve, and not as daunting as striving for a foot.

    But if I made 100 improvements of an inch, that will be 100 inches.

    Inch by inch. Adding them up will be equivalent to a massive improvement.

    Strive to be a little better than I am yesterday, each day.

  • Ramblings

    It’s A Cultural Thing

    When I first joined my current company, I was introduced to this cultural thing for a staff who is about to leave the company.

    Money will be collected beforehand, and then on the last day of the resigning staff, we were asked to gather at the pantry. Then everyone is given a chance to say good things about the person leaving, and after each person’s short speech, people will clap. Once all the speeches are completed, a farewell gift will be presented and then everyone tucks into the snacks purchased. Over time I realised that the more capable and popular the person is, the more people will attend. In fact, it seems there is some unofficial tracking of the popularity of a person based on how many managers and peers are present at each’s farewell.

    I always find such practice a bit morbid. It feels like someone has died, a funeral is arranged and each one takes turns delivering an eulogy. As such, I do not bother to attend unless it is for a staff who was really capable and good. I believe they are saying behind my back that if I am ever present at a staff’s farewell, then that staff has definitely performed very well during his or her career here.

    I know it is a cultural thing but I still think it is very morbid.

  • Ramblings


    Found this word ‘Pensées’ in a book that I am currently reading. It is French for ‘thoughts’. It is the name of a book published posthumously in 1670 by Blaise Pascal, the famous French mathematician, physicist and inventor. The book consists of ideas and jottings of Pascal, who was preparing for any apology for Christianity.

    There are some gems in the book, for e.g., “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone. “, “Curiosity is only vanity. We usually only want to know something so that we can talk about it. “

    Kind of reminds me of The Big Bang Theory’s creator Chuck Lorre famous trademark vanity cards, which usually reads like an editorial, essay or observation on life.

    Anyway the main point of this post is that I am hoping I can start writing more Pensées here instead of leaving this blog empty for so long.

    P.S Is it only me or does anyone else thinks the word Pensées looks like the word Penis?

  • Ramblings


    Didn’t do this last year, so I am doing it this year.

    1) Took leave.

    2) Had an excellent breakfast (toast with smoked salmon) made with love.

    3) Had my first omakase at Ryo Sushi @ Orchid Hotel.

    4) Because I sprained my lower back the night before, had to go home to rest.

    The excellent breakfast and lunch more than made up the lower back pain.

  • Ramblings

    Being Average

    Currently reading this book where in one chapter, the author mentioned that being average has become the standard of failure. This is because the culture’s standard of success is to be extraordinary as everyone is special and deserves attention. He said that in reality, the vast majority of life will be boring and not noteworthy, and that is okay. One will be much happier if one has a growing appreciation for life’s basic experiences. 

    I used to think that I will only share experiences, or feelings on social media or blog posts when they are extraordinary and noteworthy. Perhaps it is time to note down the ordinary stuff now, to appreciate there is nothing wrong with living a largely mundane life. 

    Perhaps things are ordinary for a reason; because they are what truly matters. 

  • Food,  Ramblings

    Food Blog

    I have always wanted to blog about food especially since I love to eat. I think the posts will be filled with photos taken on my mobile phone and my honest opinion. Also, if I ever get a lot of hits, I will not accept paid posts. That is if I ever. I think I am just too lazy to be consistent.

  • Ramblings

    Thoughts During Running


    1) Before Run :

    “Why am I waking up so early? I should go back to sleep.”

    “Why am I going to run after work? I should go home and rest. It’s been a long day at work.”

    2) During Run :

    “This is too hot. I want to stop. My stomach hurts. I am hungry. I want to go back to sleep.”

    3) After Run :

    “I am invincible! I feel good! I should be doing this every day!”

    The above thoughts are what goes through my mind every single time.